Guest Experience Cycle

1 Phone  2 Greet  3  Pre-Service  4 Service  5 Post-Service 6 Checkout


Client Satisfaction is always our priority! 

Open the door for our guests. Help with kids by offering them cookies and a paper & pen to draw with. Do little things to make our guests happy. Our goal is to provide our clients with the utmost experience. Remember we want to be the most cherished part of their day. 

Do little things to create a warm and personal client experience. If they like a certain chocolate we carry, give them some for on-the-go. Remember details about them by putting them on the notes and using this information when they arrive. 

ALWAYS SMILE there will be difficult clients however we don’t know what the guest is going through in their personal life. It is best to smile and try to rectify any situation. 

Keep in mind we are not here to just provide a spa service, we want to deliver a one-of-a-kind experience to each guest at our spa.



Service Defects
Missing clients phone call
Not having a pleasant phone voice
Not confirming phone number before ending call
Rushing through call
Not using the client’s name
Not confirming the date and time of the appointment
Having bad verbal skills
If someone calls to cancel you don’t offer to reschedule their appointment

Standard Service
Answering the call within the first or second ring with “Solace Day Spa this is _____. How can I make your day better ?”
Use guest’s name 2-3 times
Confirm the client’s phone number before ending the call
Answering any questions guest has
Confirm the date and time when booking an appointment
Confirm services the client is having done
Offer directions to a salon if the client is new
Before hanging up ask, “Is there anything else I may help you with today?”
Service, time, and date were repeated back and confirmed. Ex. “Ok Mrs. Smith, your appointment is Thursday, at 6 PM for a Swedish Massage.
If a client wants to cancel, offer a new date and time that will work better for them
Ask how the client was referred to the salon
Send a text to remind clients of their future appointments
Send emails and postcards to remind clients of future appointments

Above & Beyond 
Personalize phone call if you recognize the name on the caller ID
Ask if they are celebrating a special occasion when booking
Thank the client for calling and let them know they should be pleased with the services
If a new client calls, explain a little about the service provider’s background and education
Offer 10min chair massage if the therapist is open.  
Pull up client history to personalize the call “Would you like to see _______ again?” “Would you like the Glamour look again?”
The front desk makes client notes to deliver great customer service


Standard Defect 
Not being greeted upon arrival
Pointing to the waiting area
Not giving new clients a data sheet to fill out
Not smiling/Cold greeting
Not offering beverage
Not complimenting client
Not using the client’s name
Not reading pop-up notes/appointment notes
Not showing the client where everything is/tour
Guest care is talking to a coworker when a guest walks in
The service provider is unaware the client is waiting

When a client walks in greet enthusiastically with a smile within eight seconds, regardless of the task at hand
Walk the client to the waiting area
Every new client fills out the client data sheet/updates existing client information
Let them know their stylist will be with them shortly, using their name at least once
When the therapist greets the client, shake hands while making eye contact
Introduce yourself letting them know you will be doing their service today. Let them know how nice it is to meet them
Give new clients a tour of the spa
Have a short conversation with new clients to make them feel comfortable
Compliment client
When asked where the restroom is located, walk them back to it instead of giving them direction

Above & Beyond
Open the door for a client
Help with kids by offering them cookies and a paper & pen to draw with


Service Defects
Rushed consultation
Not having a nice, clean room prior to servicing the client
Not setting up for services
Not explaining products used to clients
If the client needs to wait longer not offer a book or magazine
Not understanding client

Thorough consultation, asking clients what they like and dislike about skin or lashes, offering descriptive solutions
Doing the full client journey consultation from start to finish
The station is set up and clean for service
Offer beverage and magazine “Can I get you anything before we get started?”
The client is aware and comfortable with the service process
Price quote when doing services
Upsell additional services if the therapist’s schedule permits it
Make sure the client’s personal items are in a place
Get eye level with the client so they don’t feel intimidated

Above & Beyond
Make a plan with the client on what the next two services for them will be
Show/explain different lash looks or massages 


Service Defects
Not being on time
Not listening
Calling a client by the wrong name
Talking to other employees without including clients in conversation
Slamming doors while clients are in service

Always be on time for your next appointment
Ask about recent vacations/children etc.
Inform the client about products
Repeat the client’s name 3 times throughout the visit
Provide skin/lash aftercare instructions
Suggest other services
Check in with the client. Get to know clients personally (connect)
Keeping secrecy making sure the client is comfortable with sharing information with you
Educate the client every single step of the way

Above & Beyond
Provide a card if someone got married, had a baby, or graduated
Compliment on client’s lashes and skin, instead of focusing on what is bad or needs to be fixed
Go into detail with new clients about your education and experience
Explain trends for next season


Service Defects
Therapist not pre-booking
Therapists make clients unsure/not confident in their ability to provide great service
Leaving clients with questions or unsatisfied service
Not recommending products

Asking how the client likes their services today
Give the client an exact day you would like them to return for their next services
Coach client on products used
Explain & use referral programs to build clientele and offer their friends great services
Suggest future add-on services for the next visit
Offer the client a beverage/magazine for the client to relax post service
Walk the client up to the front desk
Compliment client on a new look
Inform the client of services that can be done in between visits
Re-educating clients about products and aftercare
Ask them if they love their skin/lashes and how they feel
Let them know it was a pleasure to serve them upon closing

Above & Beyond Therapists goes over the complete service

Offer makeup tips for new Lashes

Selfie wall for lashes